Before we went to the Cossack Museum, we went to visit Nadia and we took her for a walk. I got to push her in her stroller.
Before we went to see the Cossack Museum, we got McDonald's and I got to have a taste from home!
At the Cossack Museum, there was a very steep hill that I ran up. (P.S. It's a lot steeper than it looks!) Allen timed me the 2nd time I ran up. It took me 44 seconds!
Me and My Dad finally made it to the top. It was very hot, in fact, it was the hottest week in 80 years in Zaporozhye!!!
On our morning visit, we took Nadia for a walk. When I took her out of the stroller, true to form, Nadia started grabbing my neck and laughing.
Ukrainian McDonald's is no different than in the U.S. and our 5 cheeseburgers, 2 large fries, and 4 drinks cost 84 Grivna which is equal to $10.63 in U.S. Dollars.
Though I can play the guitar pretty well, these many-stringed guitars look impossible to play. (One of the things I miss most about being here is not being able to play my guitar!)
While we were waiting for my Mom to come out of the Water Closet, this group of Ukrainian Girls came up to our missionary friend, Ken, and asked him (In Russian), if they could have their picture taken with us. They probably don't see Americans very often. (Allen's Mom here--the real reason these girls wanted their picture taken with our family is because they thought our boys were so cute! This Mom can recognize "that" giggle in any language!--Notice where Jim positioned the boys for the picture?)